14 research outputs found

    Engineering scalable modelling Languages

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura: 08-11-2019Esta tesis tiene embargado el acceso al texto completo hasta el 08-05-2021Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) aims at reducing the cost of system development by raising the level of abstraction at which developers work. MDE-based solutions frequently involve the creation of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DSMLs). WhilethedefinitionofDSMLsandtheir(sometimesgraphical)supportingenvironments are recurring activities in MDE, they are mostly developed ad-hoc from scratch. The construction of these environments requires high expertise by developers, which currently need to spend large efforts for their construction. This thesis focusses on the development of scalable modelling environments for DSMLs based on patterns. For this purpose, we propose a catalogue of modularity patterns that can be used to extend a modelling language with services related to modularization and scalability. More specifically, these patterns allows defining model fragmentation strategies, scoping and visibility rules, model indexing services, and scoped constraints. Once the patterns have been applied to the meta-model of a modelling language, we synthesize a customized modelling environment enriched with the defined services, which become applicable to both existing monolithic legacy models and new models. A second contribution of this thesis is a set of concepts and technologies to facilitate the creation of graphical editors. For this purpose, we define heuristics which identify structures in the DSML abstract syntax, and automatically assign their diagram representation. Using this approach, developers can create a graphical representation by default from a meta-model, which later can be customised. These contributions have been implemented in two Eclipse plug-ins called EMFSplitter and EMF-Stencil. On one hand, EMF-Splitter implements the catalogue of modularity patterns and, on the other hand, EMF-Stencil supports the heuristics and the generation of a graphical modelling environment. Both tools were evaluated in different case studies to prove their versatility, efficiency, and capabilitieEl Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (MDE, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene como objetivo reducir los costes en el desarrollo de aplicaciones, elevando el nivel de abstracciónconelqueactualmentetrabajanlosdesarrolladores. Lassolucionesbasadas en MDE frecuentemente involucran la creación de Lenguajes de Modelado de Dominio Específico (DSML, por sus siglas en inglés). Aunque la definición de los DSMLs y sus entornos gráficos de modelado son actividades recurrentes en MDE, actualmente en la mayoría de los casos se desarrollan ad-hoc desde cero. La construcción de estos entornos requiere una alta experiencia por parte de los desarrolladores, que deben realizar un gran esfuerzo para construirlos. Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de entornos de modelado escalables para DSML basados en patrones. Para ello, se propone un catálogo de patrones de modularidad que se pueden utilizar para extender un lenguaje de modelado con servicios relacionados con la modularización y la escalabilidad. Específicamente, los patrones permiten definir estrategias de fragmentación de modelos, reglas de alcance y visibilidad, servicios de indexación de modelos y restricciones de alcance. Una vez que los patrones se han aplicado al meta-modelo de un lenguaje de modelado, se puede generar automáticamente un entorno de modelado personalizado enriquecido con los servicios definidos, que se vuelven aplicables tanto a los modelos monolíticos existentes, como a los nuevos modelos. Una segunda contribución de esta tesis es la propuesta de conceptos y tecnologías para facilitar la creación de editores gráficos. Para ello, definimos heurísticas que identifican estructuras en la sintaxis abstracta de los DSMLs y asignan automáticamente su representación en el diagrama. Usando este enfoque, los desarrolladores pueden crear una representación gráfica por defecto a partir de un meta-modelo. Estas contribuciones se implementaron en dos plug-ins de Eclipse llamados EMFSplitter y EMF-Stencil. Por un lado, EMF-Splitter implementa el catálogo de patrones y, por otro lado, EMF-Stencil implementa las heurísticas y la generación de un entorno de modelado gráfico. Ambas herramientas se han evaluado con diferentes casos de estudio para demostrar su versatilidad, eficiencia y capacidade

    Lifted structural invariant analysis of Petri net product lines

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    Petri nets are commonly used to represent concurrent systems. However, they lack support for modelling and analysing system families, like variants of controllers, different variations of a process model, or the possible configurations of a flexible assembly line. To facilitate modelling potentially large collections of similar systems, in this paper, we enrich Petri nets with variability mechanisms based on product line engineering. Moreover, we present methods for the efficient analysis of the place and transition invariants in all defined versions of a Petri net. Efficiency is achieved by analysing the system family as a whole, instead of analysing each possible net variant separately. For this purpose, we lift the notion of incidence matrix to the product line level, and rely on constraint solving techniques. We present tool support and evaluate the benefits of our techniques on synthetic and realistic examples, achieving in some cases speed-ups of two orders of magnitude with respect to analysing each net variant separatelyThis work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science (PID2021-122270OB-I00) and the R&D programme of Madrid (P2018/TCS-4314

    Automated variability injection for graphical modelling languages

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    © ACM 2020. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences, https://doi.org/10.1145/3425898.3426957Model-based development approaches, such as Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), heavily rely on the use of modelling languages to achieve and automate software development tasks. To enable the definition of model variants (e.g., supporting the compact description of system families), one solution is to combine MDE with Software Product Lines. However, this is technically costly as it requires adapting many MDE artefacts associated to the modelling language -- especially the meta-models and graphical environments. To alleviate this situation, we propose a method for the automated injection of variability into graphical modelling languages. Given the meta-model and graphical environment of a particular language, our approach permits configuring the allowed model variability, and the graphical environment is automatically adapted to enable creating models with variability. Our solution is implemented atop the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Sirius, and synthesizes adapted graphical editors integrated with FeatureIDEWork funded by the R&D programme of Madrid (S2018/TCS4314), the Spanish Ministry of Science (RTI2018-095255-BI00), and the Austrian Science Fund (P 30525-N31

    Dental extractions in patients on antiplatelet therapy. A study conducted by the Oral Health Department of the Navarre Health Service (Spain)

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    Objectives: Antiplatelet drugs are used to treat and prevent a wide range of cardiovascular pathologies and/or cerebrovascular accidents. Although the use of anticoagulants in dental extractions is highly protocolized, a clear control method has not yet been established for antiplatelet drugs. This study is directed at evaluating the clinical consequences of extractions in patients on antiplatelet therapy. Study design: The Oral Health Department of the Navarre Health Service-Osasunbidea conducted a trial on 155 patients who underwent dental extractions and were receiving antiplatelet therapy. The patients were not requested to interrupt the medication and local measures were taken to control potential haemorrhage. Results: No major haemorrhages were reported. One patient had a moderate haemorrhage that required emergency care. In the remaining patients the bleeding was controlled with local measures. With regard to subsequent bleeding, no differences were observed between the various antiplatelet drugs used. The only statistically significant relationship found was between bleeding and the number of teeth extracted. Conclusions: It can be concluded that no more than 3 teeth should be removed at any one time, and for multiple extractions, the teeth should be adjacent to each other

    White matter integrity changes and neurocognitive functioning in adult-late onset DM1: a follow-up DTI study

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    [EN] Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1) is a multisystemic disease that affects gray and white matter (WM) tissues. WM changes in DM1 include increased hyperintensities and altered tract integrity distributed in a widespread manner. However, the precise temporal and spatial progression of the changes are yet undetermined. MRI data were acquired from 8 adult- and late-onset DM1 patients and 10 healthy controls (HC) at two different timepoints over 9.06 years. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) variations were assessed with Tract-Based Spatial Statistics. Transversal and longitudinal intra- and intergroup analyses were conducted, along with correlation analyses with clinical and neuropsychological data. At baseline, reduced FA and increased MD values were found in patients in the uncinate, anterior-thalamic, fronto-occipital, and longitudinal tracts. At follow-up, the WM disconnection was shown to have spread from the frontal part to the rest of the tracts in the brain. Furthermore, WM lesion burden was negatively correlated with FA values, while visuo-construction and intellectual functioning were positively correlated with global and regional FA values at follow-up. DM1 patients showed a pronounced WM integrity loss over time compared to HC, with a neurodegeneration pattern that suggests a progressive anterior–posterior disconnection. The visuo-construction domain stands out as the most sensitive neuropsychological measure for WM microstructural impairment.The present study has been supported by funding from the Institute of Health Carlos III co-founded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER [Grant Numbers PI17/01231 and PI17/01841], CIBERNED (Grant Number: 609), the Basque Government [SAIO08-PE08BF01] and the University of the Basque Country (Neurosciences group: GIU20-057). BC was supported by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government [PRE-2020-1-0187]. AJM was supported by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government [PRE-2019-1-0070]. JG was supported by a predoctoral grant from the University of the Basque Country [PIF20/238]

    Perspectivas actuales de los sujetos de derecho

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    En este volumen se recogen las intervenciones del II Seminario Internacional Permanente del Departamento de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid que se desarrolló en el curso académico 2010-2011Presentación / Rafael de Asís Roig. - Algunas reflexiones sobre el individuo en Derecho Internacional / Castor Díaz Barrado. - Sobre capacidad y derechos / Rafael de Asís Roig. - Derecho Común versus Derecho Especial : el individuo como sujeto del derecho de libertad de conciencia y religiosa en España y Portugal / Alejandro Torres Gutiérrez. - Las empresas transnacionales como actores y sujetos «potenciales» en la sociedad internacional / Romualdo Bermejo García. - Las minorías religiosas como sujetos de derechos en España : un sistema de desigualdad / José María Contreras Mazario. - Los colectivos como sujetos de Derecho / Olga Sánchez Martínez. - De «protectorado internacional» a Estado «protegido» (¿Es Kosovo un Estado?) / Cesáreo Gutiérrez Espada - Contra el Derecho Internacional : imperialismo americano y subjetividad jurídica / Cristina García Pascual. - Cooperación constitucional e internacionalidad de la Iglesia católica / Paulino Pardo Prieto. - El individuo como titular de la libertad religiosa : aproximación a un problema de filosofía jurídica / Fernando Arlettaz. - La adopción de un procedimiento de comunicaciones individuales : ¿asignatura pendiente en la consolidación de la «subjetividad internacional del niño»? / Mª del Rosario Carmona Luque. - La persona con discapacidad como sujeto de derechos : análisis desde dos modelos / Patricia Cuenca Gómez. - Los sujetos de Derecho Internacional y los desastres internacionales / Carlos R. Fernández Liesa. - Los inmigrantes como colectivo : ¿son sujeto de Derecho Internacional? / Rosana Garciandía Garmendia. - La empresa : ¿Sujeto de Derecho Internacional? : Importancia de la cuestión / Hilda Garrido Suárez. - La tolerancia étnica y religiosa en los proyectos para la independencia del Estado búlgaro de la dominación otomana, el punto de partida del concepto legal sobre la protección de los derechos fundamentales de las minorias en Bulgaria / Ángel Hristov Kolev. - El régimen jurídico del profesorado y de la asignatura de religión católica en la escuela pública. Comentario a la STC 51/2011 de 14 de abril / Andrés Murcia González. - El sujeto de derecho en Pufendorf / Antonio Pele. - ¿Puede un sujeto de Derecho Internacional juzgar a otro? Algunas consideraciones sobre la inmunidad de jurisdicción de las organizaciones internacionales / Juan Jorge Piernas Lópe

    Transformaciones y retos de la educación en las artes y los diseños (tomo 1)

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    El presente libro contiene doce reflexiones que nos sugieren un balance para repensar la educación superior tras las experiencias pandémicas en tres dimensiones: pedagogía, didáctica general y didácticas especiales, Estas tres dimensiones ofrecen un panorama integral para repensar los problemas educativos actuales. A diferencia de otros balances que hemos visto o leído en los últimos años, el presente se compone de tres ejes que atraviesan todas las reflexiones: reorganización de ideas, consolidación de la inter y transdisciplina, y mejora efectiva de las prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje desde planes y programas de estudios hasta actividades entre docentes y alumnos.Coordinadoras: Alma Elisa Delgado Coellar, Juana Cecilia Angeles Cañedo & Daniela Velázquez Ruí

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Posdata de marzo de 1984

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    Andreu Jean-L, Adoum Jorge Enrique, Aguilar Mora Jorge, Araújo Helena, Bareiro Saguier Rubén, Cortázar Julio, di Benedetto Antonio, Droguett Carlos, Fernández Retamar Roberto, Galeano Eduardo, Garmendia Salvador, Gómez Valderrama Pedro, González José Luis, Monterroso Augusto, Moreno-Durán Rafael Humberto, Orgambide Pedro, Prada Oropeza Renato, Roa Bastos Augusto, Sábato Ernesto, Scorza Manuel, Somers Armonía, Soriano Osvaldo, Viñas David, Yurkievich Saúl. Posdata de marzo de 1984. In: Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien, n°42, 1984. Littérature et Société en Amérique latine. pp. 159-180